30 Weeks

Sorry for being MIA for the past couple of weeks. I had a bunch of tests and a paper that I had to work on for about 30 hours. Yep, be jealous. 

Time for a pregnancy update!

Weeks along: 30! I'm now 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy. 10 weeks to go!
Size of the baby: size of a green cabbage. She is supposed to be about 15.7 inches long and weighs 3  pounds.
Movement: she has started to kick/punch my bladder all the time. Also, I felt these little frequent movements the other night, which I think were from her hiccuping. 
Symptoms: I haven't been getting as many cramps in my legs. My major issue right now is a sore lower back. It usually starts to hurt in the afternoon, especially if I've walked a lot earlier in the day
Cravings: I haven't really been craving anything this week
Belly button: the very top of my belly button is starting to poke out now. It's so weird
Purchases: I bought some bow hair clips today. I had a lot of hair when I was born, so I'm guessing that our little girl will too. I can't wait to see these little bows in her hair!


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