Pregnancy Update
Weeks along: 31! Only 9 to go. I can't believe the countdown is under 10 now! I thought this time would never come!
Size of the baby: She is over 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 pounds, which is comparable to four navel oranges
Movement: Baby is moving more than ever before! I feel a lot more of her general movements now, not just her big kicks and punches. She tends to push up at the top of my stomach when I'm sitting down, especially if I'm slouching. As I'm writing this it kind of feels like she might be pushing on my ribs, but I'm not completely sure.
Symptoms: I've felt pretty good this week. I haven't gotten any leg cramps and my back hasn't been hurting as much. I still get tired fairly easily though.
Purchases: John and I decided to see if our local DI had any decent baby clothes and we were pleasantly surprised. I found three cute little dresses and one top. All of them look really new and have no stains on them. We also bought our first box of diapers this week! Exciting!
Nursery: I've started working on some of the decorations for the nursery. We've actually been thinking about moving near Bountiful in early 2013. If that's the case then I probably won't put up the nursery decorations in this apartment.
Nursery Plans
Before I had even found out the gender of our baby, I knew that I didn't want to do a typical pink nursery if we were having a girl. Also, the walls in our apartment are white and we're not allowed to paint them, so I knew that all the color in the room would have to come from the decorations and bedding. I couldn't work out which color scheme would work well until I saw this picture:
I really love the colors of these pom poms and I think they look great in a white room. I think that tissue paper pom poms are so cute too, so I'm planning on making some for our nursery. I've already bought the tissue paper, but I'm waiting to make them until I know how long we'll be staying in this apartment.
The rest of my plans for the nursery came from Pinterest. I love that site.
I'm going to do a picture frame collage like the one in this picture:
Here are the frames that I've already bought and painted (I still need to get a few more):

I'm also thinking of incorporating the first letter of the baby's name in the collage. I was thinking of painting a wooden letter, but now I'm thinking of wrapping a wooden letter in yarn, like this:
To add a little more color to the room, I'm going to put up some blue or green curtains. I'm thinking of making ruffle curtains like these:
Since ruffles are just so darn cute, I'm hoping to also make a ruffle crib skirt like this one:
For the other wall in the nursery, I will probably do something similar to one of these pins:
Finally, here is the crib that I'm loving right now. I'm a little torn about whether we should get it in white or cherry. I think that it is so cute in white, but I'm worried about how it will look in an all white room. It might be alright if the crib bedding is colorful.
I'm starting to realize how little time I have to get things done! There's still so much to buy and so much to make. Our little girl is going to be here before we know it!
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