Blue Steel

I own cardigans in just about every color of the rainbow. Even though I am well aware of this, every time I go to the store I still find myself considering buying another one. I go through an all too familiar debate within my head about whether I can justify adding yet another cardigan to my closet. Most of the time I decide to put the cardigan back and glance back at it longingly as I walk away. However this was not the case with the cardigan I'm wearing in this post. I didn't already own any embellished cardigans so I just couldn't put it back. That just wouldn't have been right.

Cardigan: Target (similar here and here) // Skirt: Forever 21 (similar here) // Shoes: Gianni Bini (similar here and here) // Bag: Michael Kors (other colors here) // Earrings: Forever 21 // Nails: Essie Fiji

I own cardigans in just about every color of the rainbow. Even though I am well aware of this, every time I go to the store I still find myself considering buying another one. I go through an all too familiar debate within my head about whether I can justify adding yet another cardigan to my closet. Most of the time I decide to put the cardigan back and glance back at it longingly as I walk away. However this was not the case with the cardigan I'm wearing in this post. I didn't already own any embellished cardigans so I just couldn't put it back. That just wouldn't have been right.

It was not easy to get these pictures of Eve. She fought it and fought it. Only the promise of chocolate milk got her to cooperate enough to snap a couple of pics. Lily, however, is a natural. Just look at that little "blue steel" pout.

Speaking of Eve, I am constantly surprised and entertained by the things that come out of her mouth. Here are some of the gems from this week:
- While I was changing Lily, I asked Eve to hand me a diaper. She replied "Aye, aye, Sir" and saluted me. I'm guessing she picked that one up from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
- A couple of nights ago Eve took a toy horse from a Cinderella set to bed. When I walked into her room in the morning she was looking under her sheet. She looked up at me and said "I can't find blue horse. I've looked everywhere!" It was a very cute thing to hear from a two-year-old.
- I was tidying up Eve's toys and threw her (already broken) toy phone toward her toy box. In response Eve said "rude" with quite a bit of sass.

Linking up with: Style Saturday, Watch What I'm Wearing, Let It Shine, Sophisticated Style, How I Spring, Style to Inspire, Mix It Monday, Confident Twosday, Style Sessions, WIWW, What I Wore, Random Wednesday, I Feel Pretty, What I Wore Wednesday, Trendy Wednesday, Look What I Got, WIWT, Labour of Fashion, Trend Spin


  1. You look so chic! I'm loving that skirt! And how adorable are your two little girls!?

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  2. Such a cute top! I find it insane that Kate Spade sells almost the same cardis for like 2-300 when they have cute ones at Target! Love it <3

    Pink Wings

    1. Thanks! It is crazy! One of the many reasons I love Target!

  3. Awww you three look so pretty! I love the braided updo you're rocking :) And it's so cute when toddlers say sassy things! I got a good laugh out of the "rude" story lol


    1. Thank you! It is so cute! I get a laugh out of something she says every day!

  4. Oh my goodness, I love the sassy things kids say! Haha.

    You look incredibly elegant and ladylike. Pencil skirts were made for you!

    1. Thank you! Kids really do say the funniest things!

  5. Love this look! Especially your hair!!! Aw, your girls are soo adorable. I love their outfits, too! The things that kids say is definitely entertaining. Eve is at a really cute age, where they have no filter!

    The Closet by Christie

    1. Thanks, Christie! I think this age is my favorite so far! She's always saying the funniest things!

  6. I can't blame you and your cardigan addiction - actually this jeweled one is gorgeous. I keep seeing bloggers with fabulous things from target today!

    Your children are beautiful, and you have to love the things they come up with!

    1. Thank you! I'm always impressed by the things I find at Target!

  7. Eve sounds adorable! You look great in that cardi and skirt combo - so classy!

    Happy Medley

  8. I love your outfit. So ladylike and chic.

    Diary of Elegance

  9. You look stunning and your girls are seriously so stinking cute!! Thanks for linking up for Style Saturday. xo ~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

    1. Thank you! I think they're pretty cute too ;)

  10. Nice outfit. I like the jeweled cardigan and the little yellow dress. Your kids are beautiful. Xoxo.
    Iris "Moumous


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