Girl Boss

Girl boss top: c/o J Bella  |  Maxi skirt: Victoria's Secret (similar herehere, and here) |  Strappy black sandals heels: c/o AMI Clubwear (similar here) | Aviator sunglasses: Ray-Ban  |  Silver statement necklace: Forever 21 (similar here)  |  Silver statement earrings: Forever 21 (similar here)

Before last week, I owned one top with writing on it. I never used to be a big fan of it but this "Girl Boss" top may have changed my mind. It's fun and chic and I love the simplicity of the black text on a plain white tee. It's easily dressed up or down. I think it will look amazing paired with a black blazer. I'm saving that look for the fall, when I won't die of heat stroke, though ;) J Bella's store opens this week so, if you like, you can grab one for yourself soon. I'll make sure to remind you once they're online.

I swear my two-year-old is a teenager. She constantly throws tantrums, doesn't listen, and pouts. Taking her to dance class is torturous. Need to force information out of someone? Put them in a dance class with Eve and after ten minutes they'll tell you anything you want to know. Eve will participate for a few minutes but then she goes and pouts in the corner or flops on the floor and refuses to stand up. I think she does it for her teacher's attention but it drives me crazy! I've tried reasoning with her, taking her out of the room for a while, and even bribing her. Absolutely nothing works. She'll do all of the moves at home when we practice them but will she do them in class? Rarely, if ever. Her illustrious career as a ballet dancer is definitely on the rocks... If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!

Linking up with: Let it Shine, Mix it Mondays, Sophisticated Style, How I Summer, A Lovely Little a la Mode Linkup, Watch What I'm Wearing, Style Sessions, Confident Twosday, Bloggers Who Have Inspire Me, WIWW, What I Wore, What I Wore Wednesday, Trendy Wednesday, Casual Friday, Favorite Fashion Friday, Passion 4 Fashion, Friday Favorites, Spotlight Weekly, WIWT, Throw Back Thursday, Labour of Fashion, Thursday Fashion Files, Style Saturday


  1. This is so cute! You look gorgeous! Love how the shades match the skirt!

    Thrift & Shout

    1. Thank you! I couldn't resist wearing them together!

  2. Oh toddlers, lol. I wish I had a suggestion, she sounds a lot like my three almost four year old. He's bound to be a lawyer some say, according to him everything I say is negotiable. :)

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  3. I love cobalt everything! The maxi, the sunnies! You are just killing it. I too have never been a fan if the old graphic tee with writing, but I totally fell victim to an adorable coffee quote top last weekend. (;

    As for the tantrums, well, we aren't quite there yet. I know it's coming all too soon and I'm trying to mentally prepare. I know the reasoning thing won't work for my little one either. I try now and her dad just laughs hysterically at me. I mean, she is only one and a half. (; My advice/ suggestions, just be as cool as you can and know you aren't alone. All kids throw tantrums and there's a group of understanding mommies giving you a head nod when it happens in public. Good luck girl! This too shall pass!

    1. Thanks! Great advice. When all the other girls in class are behaving well and my child is being crazy it's hard not to feel like it's a reflection on my parenting! Hopefully your little girl won't be quite as dramatic as mine :)

  4. This outfit is so classy! I love the bright cobalt colour of your skirt and the fit is just spot on.

  5. Maybe she is a little young to appreciate ballet. Eight year olds are much more reasonable.

    1. I think you're right. Maybe we should try again when she's older

  6. Such a cute outfit! That blue is so rich and I love how you pair it with a graphic tee. :)

    Take care and keep in touch!
    Please stop by every Wednesday for Color and Grace Fashion link up! :)


  7. Great outfit. Love the tee & how the sunnies go with the skirt.
    xoxo. | cymone.

    1. Thank you! I couldn't resist wearing them together!

  8. I'm in love with your cobalt maxi skirt, Sierra! And yeah, I need THAT tee too!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  9. I LOVE that t-shirt! I don't have any with writing on it although I always love them when I see everyone else's so maybe I should actually buy one!

    Your daughter sounds much like my three year old son at the moment! Ha, they love to keep us on our toes.

    Manning meanderings, mishaps and musings

    1. Thanks! You should totally get one! They're pretty affordable and there are lots of ways to style them! It's a good thing kids can be super cute at times too or I might go crazy ;)

  10. Thanks for linking up to Favorite Fashion Friday!
    xoxo, (co-host)

  11. Nice top :)))

  12. Such a beautiful top, I am glad you got to add to your graphic tee collection as this is a lovely tee and statement!
    Rachel xo

    Please join me for Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me Link up now LIVE here

    Garay Treasures

  13. I love that tee, especially with the bold cobalt skirt! Such a fun look. I wish I had some words of wisdom... my son just turned two and he's already starting the whole throw-himself-down-on-the-floor Today he told me, "go away mom!" Not even mommy, just mom. 2 going on 15. Sheesh.

  14. This might be my favorite look of yours ever! You look stunning!

    1. Thanks, Sierra! It's one of my favorites too!

  15. One of my favorite looks of yours - that skirt makes your legs go on for miles! Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday.


    1. Thank you! It's one of my favorite skirts for that reason!


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