How to Do Easter Wrong

Oh Easter, I love you. Dressing in pastels, eating pastel colored candies, wearing pastel colored nail polish- what could be better, right? And of course, the best part of all, is that we get to celebrate the Savior and His resurrection.

However, with Easter falling in March, this month has been a little crazy for us. We've had Lily's birthday, John's birthday, and Easter one after the other. So I wasn't completely on top of my Easter game.

So now I feel like an expert qualified to provide tip on how to do Easter wrong:

  1. Remember that it's going to be Easter two to three days before Easter weekend. Internally freak out.
  2. Due to tip 1, fail to put up any Easter themed decor.
  3. Wait until Saturday to do your Easter shopping. Buy whatever is left at the store. But buy absolutely everything. Because somehow you are going to fit every Easter themed activity into one single day- egg hunts, cookie decorating, egg dying. 
  4. Spend the night before Easter Sunday preparing your lesson for church. Take way more time than you intended and then realize, at 1 o'clock, that you haven't yet filled or hidden Easter eggs for your kids. 
  5. Chastise yourself for being such a procrastinator.
  6. Be constantly woken up throughout the night by a congested, feverish three-year-old who can't stop coughing. 
  7. Wake up too late and mentally prepare for the mad rush to get ready for church on time. Resign yourself to the fact that there will be minimal makeup and no curling of hair involved.
  8. Dress your girls in the cutest little Easter dresses of all time. Take a moment to bask in their cuteness.
  9. Fail to make it to church on time.
  10. Enjoy/survive the next three hours at church.
  11. Return home, thoroughly exhausted, and start dinner prep.
  12. While one-year-old is sleeping, prepare Easter baskets and fill and hide Easter eggs. Distract three-year-old with youtube. Non-educational, silly, youtube videos. Not winning any mother-of-the-year awards today.
  13. While distracted by cooking, allow three-year-old to find her Easter basket early. Tell her she has to wait until her sister wakes up
  14. Give baskets and do Easter egg hunt.
  15. Get dinner in the oven.
  16. Sigh as you realize that dinner won't be ready until 7. 
  17. Binge on chocolate to tide you over (actually, do this step all throughout the day.)
  18. Take outfit pics even though you're exhausted and have to get everyone redressed in their church outfits.
  19. Eat dinner. Well you and your husband eat the dinner you prepared, while your kids reject it and instead eat quesadillas.
  20. Realize that you never dyed Easter eggs or decorated cookies. Decide to do that tomorrow... or never.
  21. Bonus: Constantly catch yourself almost ruining the magic of the Easter bunny.

How was your Easter? Hopefully it went a little smoother than mine did!

Linking up with: Watch What I'm Wearing, Let It Shine, Mix It Monday, LLALM, Weekend Snapshots, How I Spring, Classy Monday, On Trend Tuesday, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Style Sessions, Trend Spin, Confident Twosday, WIWW, What I Wore, Trendy Wednesday, Color and Grace, Fresh Fashion Forum


  1. You look so pretty! Love how the little ones are dressed too :)

    Edye //

  2. Hahahaha oh man, this sounds like a completely insane day! Honestly, you look lovely. What a perfect Easter outfit. And the girls' dresses are TOO cute!

  3. Apart from everything you all look just perfect, this is a picture perfect family xxxxx

    BamBam Blog


  4. I think we often put too much pressure on ourselves (because of what we think "everyone" else is doing) to do holidays a certain way, but I think the best memories are often in the imperfections. I'm sure you'll look back at this post sometime a few years down the road and just laugh. At least, that's the kind of grace I'm giving myself since I've done basically no special holiday things since my baby was born, lol...

  5. The skirts you've gotten from Shein have been so lovely! This one is on my wishlist too and it looks amazing on you, Sierra!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  6. You look amazing! beautiful!

  7. Hahaha love your list -- I'm guilty of at least half of it. You look absolutely stunning in this outfit for Easter tho -- especially with those mini coordinated white dresses!!!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

  8. Easter, St. Patty's day, my nephew's 1st birthday... March was crazy for us too. Not to mention I didn't even decorate because I felt like there wasn't enough time between St Patty's day and Easter. haha Oh well. Instead I just did Spring decorations. That works, right? (;

  9. Bahahahah! All great tips to remember for next year! I ADORE that skirt, girl!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  10. PS not sure if you saw but I featured one of your posts on my blog yesterday! Here's the link:

  11. It sounds like such a crazy day. I love the skirt.

  12. Lol, sounds like you had a very hectic Easter indeed! I read the title of this post in the Trend Spin linkup and was like, "Why? That outfit is adorbs!" Now I see what you meant, haha.

    -Nathy @ Earnestyle

  13. Your outfit is awesome! I love the texture of the skirt :)

    Mine was a little miserable as I got my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday. But it was nice to be with family :)


  14. Sierra you are seriously the best! This list is so funny. Hey at least you all look great! Even if you had to get everyone re-dressed! :)

  15. Aw you and your littles look so cute! I love your skirt and my 2 year old wore a similar skirt to your toddler as well.

    Thank you for linking up to "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me"
    Rachel xo


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