Wedding Dresses and Hairbrush Violins

Teal Heels  |  Necklace via Rocksbox (get one month free with code sierraelizabethblogxoxo)

As a stay-at-home mom, there aren't too many reasons for me to get dressed up (or dressed at all really, ha.) But that's the great thing about Sundays. I get to go to church, be spiritually uplifted, and to dress my girls and me in something a little fancier than usual. Eve's white dress was killing me. I bought that dress about a year ago and have been waiting for her to fit it. It's still a little bit big on her but it was close enough that I couldn't resist dressing her in it.

Usually when I try and tell Eve what to wear, a huge tantrum ensues. She is one opinionated little miss and the fact that I occasionally ask her to wear something without princesses on it is apparently unconscionable. However, there was minimal unrest over this white dress. Here's a small snapshot of our conversation:

Me: "Eve, I want you to wear this pretty white dress for church today."
Eve: "But that's my wedding dress."
Me: "Oh. Well why don't we pretend you're getting married today."
Eve: "... Okay."
Me: "Who are you going to marry?"
Eve: "Umm... Daddy."

Cute, right? Unfortunately for her daddy, Eve later decided that she was marrying Mario instead. This then evolved into her wanting to marry Mario but being forced to marry Bowser. Got to love a three-year-old's imagination.

And while we're on that topic, yesterday Eve also had the idea to use my hairbrush as a violin and one of my combs as a bow. She then watched a Sesame Street episode about violins and played the hairbrush whenever someone played a violin on the show.

And utterly adorable moments like those are what make all the tantrums worth it.

Linking up with: Watch What I'm Wearing, Let It Shine, Mix It Monday, How I Spring, Classy MondayFab Favorites, Casual Friday, Passion4Fashion, Friday Favorites, Spotlight Weekly, WIWT, Throw Back Thursday,Thursday Fashion Files


  1. Well Eve's "wedding dress" is precious. haha The things kids say, I swear. I am dreading those days when it's a fight to get dressed. It's already starting with my daughter's "sparky shoes," aka sparkly shoes. They really have seen better days and hardly have any sparklies left. I keep them for days we play outside and go to the park, but she literally wants to wear those gross looking shoes every day. lol I need to find a new pair since they dont sell these exact ones anymore. lol

  2. Hahahaha I wanted to marry my dad, too! I remember being so heartbroken when he told me that he was already my mom hahaha. So funny. I love the polka dots + lace!

  3. I love the photo of Eve posing like her mommy! The cutest! Adorable times a 1000!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  4. Sierra, you look your best in a pencil midi skirt. And this polka skirt is just lovely with your top!

    Abby | Life in the Fash Lane

  5. Pretty look and your girls are so precious!

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!



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